Saturday, March 10, 2012

It's A Small World When You Socially Network

Today I was reminded of the fact that social networking has made the world infinitely smaller.  As I emailed my blog post to Ryan Goodman for his Agriculture Proud blog series, I included an inquiry about whether or not he could use some more people who were “Agriculture Proud” to feature in this month’s extended celebration of National Agriculture Week.  His reply included that possibly he could use some specialty crops.  Thinking that lavender was fairly unique, I connected with one of my Twitter friends who owns a lavender farm and within an hour, she was on board. Considering the importance of bees and honey, I also thought an apiarist living in my school district might be an interesting contributor. The challenge was that they were on vacation. No problem. I reached out on Facebook and before the day was over, they were committed to the project too.  Connecting Tennessee to New Jersey and reaching out to a New Jerseyan in Florida, social media certainly makes for great connections and a smaller world.

The Disney song “It’s A Small World” includes the line “And a smile means friendship to everyone.” I know that through Twitter and Facebook, a smile cannot necessarily be seen, but it can certainly be felt. Friendships can be spread one tweet at a time.

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